Thursday 3 May 2012


We were asked to make an animation of our choice. When I heard we had to pick between model based, pixelation, and cutout I picked cutout because I think it's the easiest and its less messy then model based. when we were looking for what to pick as a story line I decided to put both of my favorite cartoons together which is tom and jerry and courage the cowardly dog. After I did the research on both cartoons I started to put my ideas on a mind map, and then I started to draw my storyboard and how the story will play out. It took me a while to draw everything for the animation, thats why I didn't have much time to film it. I think for the first time I make an animation on my own its good but hopefully next time I will separate my time better and I will have more experience on how to draw my animation and on how to film it.

A Reply To Your Comments

I would like to thank you all for your nice comments, at first I wasn't sure if I should draw the full thing but then I thought it would look weird if I drew the characters and not the background so i ended up drawing the whole thing. I will try to make the movements of the characters better next time. I personally think it wasn't straight it was crooked (see pic 1) and the characters movements weren't smooth (see pic 2) and the lighting when courage comes is bad (see pic 3). To improve it I think I should take more time filming it and I should make more drawings of those characters to make it look better, and i should film the ending slower (see video from 00:32 to 00:35). :)

pic 1:
 pic 2:
 pic 3:

Friday 27 April 2012

Finished Video

This is the finished video enjoy!!

 Finally I opened garageband deleted the track there, then dragged and dropped my animation into garageband. I did the same thing for all the music and sounds and started to edit them all together by lining them up and cutting some of them. At the end I faded it by going in to the master volume, then pull that purple line down from where you want it to be faded. Lastly I exported it.
Before I put it in Garage band I put the credits at the end in using iMovie. I put in the film, then chose which layout I wanted and wrote what I wanted for the credits then exported it again.

 Then I used the portable camera and set it on isight not built in isight, the i took about 3 to 5 frames for each time I moved the characters. I kept doing that until I finished my animation. After I finished I exported it into Quick time player.

I first put an image of the heading in iStopMotion. I opened iStopMotion then saved a new page in my file, then I dragged the image and dropped it in the first slot of the animation.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Animation project day 3

Today I finished my story board and started to create my characters and the backgrounds.
Next week I hope to finish my characters and start filming.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Animation project day 2

Today I planned out how the story's going to be then I put it in a storyboard.

Next week I plan on making the characters to start filming it.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Animation Project

For my animation project I would like to do cut out animation because I think it’s the most interesting, it doesn’t make a mess like the model based animation and it’s a cartoon it doesn’t need people.
 Today I research different cutout animations then I research pictures of the animation that I want to do which is courage the cowardly dog and tom and jerry then I made a mood board and mind map.

Streamschool (Patakiskola) from Péter Vácz on Vimeo.

Samurai Jack Cutout (Cartoon Network Promo) from Bent Image Lab on Vimeo.

Free To Be Me from Ové Pictures on Vimeo.

Animation with sound

We first put the video and the music on garage band then we cut the music to fit the video them we faded the music in.