Friday 27 April 2012

Finished Video

This is the finished video enjoy!!

 Finally I opened garageband deleted the track there, then dragged and dropped my animation into garageband. I did the same thing for all the music and sounds and started to edit them all together by lining them up and cutting some of them. At the end I faded it by going in to the master volume, then pull that purple line down from where you want it to be faded. Lastly I exported it.
Before I put it in Garage band I put the credits at the end in using iMovie. I put in the film, then chose which layout I wanted and wrote what I wanted for the credits then exported it again.

 Then I used the portable camera and set it on isight not built in isight, the i took about 3 to 5 frames for each time I moved the characters. I kept doing that until I finished my animation. After I finished I exported it into Quick time player.

I first put an image of the heading in iStopMotion. I opened iStopMotion then saved a new page in my file, then I dragged the image and dropped it in the first slot of the animation.


  1. I liked the story line and the music went well, also liked the drawings.

  2. The animation was great and had a good length. You could have made the legs abit smoother but other than that you did very well. It was easy to follow and ended well

  3. i like music it went well with it and drawings were really good

  4. I think the music went well with your animation

  5. i liked the storyline especially when the other characters came out at the end which made it different it also had good sound

  6. like the way the animation is all done with cut-out, and is well made, and the music goes well with the animation.

  7. Good work!
    It looked like you took your time to get the best possible result. The hand-drawn cut-outs were pretty good. 7/10

  8. best animation i have seen so far, the story was really good and cutouts made were amazing, sound was great went good with the characters and the animation.

  9. Great stuff, great length, good animation and greatly inventive and creative with the all the cut out model created to a professional standard, In addition a element of comedy in also. ;)

  10. I enjoyed the animation it went very smoothly and using Tom an Jerry for your animation is just the best

  11. very good work, this video is very creative because you have hand drawn most of the work then cut out the rest of it i also like the way it ran smoothly throughout and the fact that you used tom and jerry
